Question Title

* 1. 入会同意について(ご同意いただける場合、チェックを入れてください) / SUPA membership Agreement (If you agree with SUPA regulations, please place a check mark in the box.)

Question Title

* 2. 保証人氏名をご入力ください。【日本語は全角入力】
Please provide the guarantor name.

Question Title

* 3. 保証人氏名カナをご入力ください。【全角入力】
Please provide the guarantor name's "furigana".

Question Title

* 4. 保証人郵便番号をご入力ください。(ハイフン必須)【半角入力】
Please provide the guarantor postal code.
*Japan only. Please include hyphen.

Question Title

* 5. 保証人住所をご入力ください。【日本語は全角入力】
※海外住所はZIPコードが必須 です
Please provide the guarantor Mailing address.
*Domestic addresses should include the prefecture of residence.
*Overseas addresses should include the postal code.

Question Title

* 6. 保証人電話番号をご入力ください。(ハイフン必須)【半角入力】
Please provide the guarantor phone number.
*Please include hyphen.

Question Title

* 7. 保証人メールアドレスをご入力ください。
Please provide the guarantor e-mail address.

Question Title

* 8. 学生氏名をご入力ください。【日本語は全角入力】
Please provide the student name.

Question Title

* 9. 学生氏名カナをご入力ください。【全角入力】
Please provide the student name's "furigana".

Question Title

* 11. 学生の受験番号または学生番号をご入力ください。【半角入力】
Please provide the reference number or student ID.

Question Title

* 12. 学生の所属(予定)学部・学科をご入力ください。【全角入力】
Please provide the faculty and department.

Question Title

* 14. 通信欄
Use for correnspondence

The personal information shall be used by the Sophia University Parents' Association solely for its activities.
※以下「お申込み(送信)/ Send」ボタンを押す前に、今一度入力内容をご確認ください。
* Please check the input details again before pressing the "Send" button below.