Thank you for your interest in being a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the NU-EMI Project in AY2020. For more information on the project see We are looking for English-speaking graduate students willing to supervise (tutor) groups of Japanese students taking courses taught by G30 International Program instructors. The pay is 1300 yen/hr for master's students and 1500 yen/hr for doctoral students. Working hours will include preparation of teaching material, the actual study sessions (tutorials), grading, and if necessary attending the main lectures. 
As of April 2020 possible openings for TA positions are the following:
  1. Studium Generale
  2. Supervising study sessions for certain G30 courses.
  3. A 2-week summer project (August or  September) teaching problem-solving skills to Japanese high school students. 
If you are interested in or are already committed to working as a TA please fill out the following survey and we will contact you. Against our expectations, the Japanese students are showing an increased interest in taking G30 courses this semester despite the Covid 19 epidemic and despite all teaching being done online. Accordingly, your teaching assistant activities will also be undertaken online, at least until summer.

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* 1. What year are you in?

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* 2. Which graduate school do you belong to?

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* 3. Which division (institute) do you belong to in the above graduate school?

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* 4. Do you have previous experience being a teaching assistant?

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* 5. Your name, passport country and student ID number

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* 6. Can you spell your name in KATAKANA, Japanese? Example ホリエ シシマル

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* 7. Enter your nick name, if you use one.

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* 8. Enter your email address from the university. Example

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* 9. Please provide another email address so we can be sure to get in touch with you?

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* 10. Gender

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* 12. When is your birthday?


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* 13. Have you ever registered your bank account to be paid from the university?

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* 14. If  there are any fields or subjects that you would prefer to teach, please list or describe them.

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* 15. Please indicate the main reasons you want to work as a teaching assistant.

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* 16. If you have any comments or requests about the NU-EMI Project feel free to let us know.

You can also contact us at
Thank you for your cooperation!