コロナ禍の留学生への影響に関する調査 Examining the impact of COVID-19 on international students |
1. 調査の目的と対象 About the Project
東京工業大学 准教授 佐藤由利子 yusato@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp
米国モーガン州立大学 准教授 クリシュナ・ビスタ
一橋大学 教授 松塚ゆかり
東京工業大学 研究企画課 総務・管理グループ
東京工業大学 研究企画課 総務・管理グループ
The COVID-19 pandemic has largely impacted international students' study, life and future plan.
In the joint research of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Morgan State University, and Hitotsubashi University, we hope to study the experiences and challenges of international students during the pandemic to improve the resources in international education.
You are invited to complete this short survey if you were a regular student in a higher education institution or a Japanese language school in Japan in 2020.
It will take about 5-10 minutes to complete this survey. Your information will be kept confidential.
Your participation is voluntary. Please fill in the consent form before proceeding to the questionnaire on the next page. You may leave the survey if you do not agree with it. There is no disadvantage for your withdrawal.
It will take about 5-10 minutes to complete this survey. Your information will be kept confidential.
Your participation is voluntary. Please fill in the consent form before proceeding to the questionnaire on the next page. You may leave the survey if you do not agree with it. There is no disadvantage for your withdrawal.
500 yen Amazon Gift Card will be given to 300 respondents who answer all the questions.
We appreciate your support in this survey!
We appreciate your support in this survey!
Yuriko Sato Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
E-mail: yusato@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp
Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
E-mail: yusato@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp
Krishna Bista Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Morgan State University, USA
Email: krishna.bista@morgan.edu
Associate Professor, Morgan State University, USA
Email: krishna.bista@morgan.edu
Yukari Matsuzuka, Ph.D.
Professor, Hitotsubashi University
E-mail: Y.Matsuzuka@r.hit-u.ac.jp
Professor, Hitotsubashi University
E-mail: Y.Matsuzuka@r.hit-u.ac.jp
Should you have any concerns or complaints about this survey, please contact to: General Affairs and Management Group, Research Planning Division, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tel: +81-3-5734-3808 (Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.)
Email: hitorinri@jim.titech.ac.jp
Tel: +81-3-5734-3808 (Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.)
Email: hitorinri@jim.titech.ac.jp